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    Can Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight? Losing Weight Is Not About Food Deprivation

    Close your eyes. Imagine your food cravings drifting away. Envision a day of eating only what is good for you. Imagine hypnosis actually helping you to lose weight–because the news is, it does! 

    As a professional hypnotherapist of years of practice, and hundreds of people coming to seek help, the most important thing is that you find a solution. In this case, you will lose the pounds you want, and need to lose.

     Hypnosis is an art that can alter the perceptions of the subconscious mind in the positive, and satisfying results for the individual.

    Together we decided what is to be programmed out and programmed in. Then in the hypnotic session the subconscious mind is asked to specifically program out and program in behaviors that were selected.

    You will be heard with compassion, patience, empathy without judgement, Though, I know that we have just met, I want you to know that each person coming to my office is special and unique. I genuinely care about each and everyone. I believe you have everything you need to succeed.


    In most cases hypnotherapy is more effective than diet and exercise alone. If you answer yes to some of the following questions most likely Will Power is not enough. 

    ~ Having cravings all day long?

    ~ Making yourself ill after eating considerable amounts of food?

    ~ Throw out your food to avoid consuming calories?

    ~ Having obsessive protocols and behaviors around eating?

    ~  Do you think excessive exercise will shed extra weight        

    ~ No energy for exercise?

    ~ Obsessive with your weight, body and shape?

    ~ Feeling secluded from friends and family?

    ~ Mental, emotional  and / or physically exhaustion?

     Why do you want to look and feel better?

     Is your low confidence  impacting your work? your relationships and intimacy? Do you want to be a good role model for your children? Do you want to have great life with great health when you retire? What is your goal?

    The idea of drifting into a state of deeper relaxation, and waking up able to resist cravings and drop weight sounds too good to be true for most people. during hypnotherapy the brain’s attention and concentration is more suggestible and receptive to change the behaviors.

    You’ve tried diets  without success, weight loss hypnotherapy is the answer to the new slimmer person that’s you. Our weight loss hypnotherapy program keeps the weight off. It’s  time to feel and look a new you.

    Hypnotherapy it is a great way, and more effective than diet and exercise, the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating. There is so much truth about “stress eating” when the stress hormones unleashes the effects of high fat, sugary foods push people to overeating.

    Stress can shut down appetite, but if stress persist the adrenal glands release a hormone call cortisol, for some cortisol stays in the “on” position. High insulin level and stress causes weight gain. 

    Yoli’s Method and a skill of many years can help transform  the  root causing the overeating. She can prove that everyone can enter in this state of hypnosis, or a drifting state of deeper relaxation to make the desire change necessary to an appropriate body weight .

    Weight control issues are associated with several medical and physiological complications. People with eating disorders struggle with body mental perceptions and assumptions of their body dissatisfactions over concern with weight, shape, shame, and guilt, and disordered eating behaviors (extreme weight loss methods, restricting dieting, inappropriate compensatory behaviors). In addition these individuals often experience psychological problems, including social isolation, low self-esteem, secretiveness about eating. Eating disorders are link to depression, anxiety, and impulse control disorders. These behaviors must occur at least two days a week or more for six months. Some have family history connection, but not always.

    Hypnotherapy is an evidence- base treatment for for many behaviors.  Hypnotherapy is conducted by a trained hypnotherapist. Yoli had and is helping many people. She explains the process with detail, she knows that everyone is different and requires different approach. 
